Welcome to my latest blog...Project 365.

This blog will consist of daily pictures. Basically my life in pictures. My other blog will still be the place I share stories, travels, grand-babies etc...along with pictures as well. I have seen this Project 365 on other blogs where they post a picture everyday to share. I thought it was a cool idea but when I saw it I thought I was too late, that I needed to of started January 1... But after seeing more blogs, a lot started after January. So, I will start today and continue for the next 364 days. It should be interesting to see what my day in pictures will be like. I hope you'll enjoy the ride.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Day 29 of 365

This is what it looked like after checking out of hotels waiting for car from valet


Fonda said...

Looks like everyone was checking out at once! Hope y'all had a good time.

Stacy said...

We waited for 35 minutes for our car! It was a blast!!